Fine Arts, art teacher, art historian – history of art of the 20th and 21st century, lectures and guided tours at documenta XI, Kassel; Typo Berlin; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Scientíficas (CSIC), Museum Thyssen, Madrid, University of Valladolid, roundtable exchange-programme Russia-Association of Visual Artists, Bonn
Journalism (radio broadcasting) SWR, SR, Saarbrücken, Kaiserslautern, news correspondent of the news agency ddp, Kaiserslautern, Mainz, Wiesbaden – numerous publications
2011-2013: Assistant of the President of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich (specialty photography)
2007-2009 Board member of the Association of Visual Artists of Rhineland-Palatinate Member of the Association of Visual Artists Munich
Exhibitions (selection) SE = Solo Exhibition GE = Group Exhibition
„Part Kunstschau“ GA, photographic works, part.pengland, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Corpus delicti“ GE, drawings, Ebersberg (Bavaria)
„Schön ist was anderes“ GE, Kulturbahnhof, Saarbrücken (Saarland)
Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum International Photography Award, GE, photographic works, Dubai
„Punkt ohne Wiederkehr“ GE, Photographic works, Kunstverein Wesseling, Wesseling (North Rhine-Westphalia)
„Lichtbilder“ SE, 30 photographic works, University of Philosophy, Munich (Bavaria)
„ich bin keine jungfrau“ SE, videoinstallation + performance, Das KloHäuschen, Munich (Bavaria)
„Lametta“ GE, Gallery of the artists, Munich (Bavaria)
Opening Gallery/Projectroom Kallenbach GE, Koblenz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Mombacher Menschen-Landschaften“ SE, 3 photographic and video exhibitions, project coordination + own works: symposium with performances and scientific lectures, Photo Art Award for adolescents, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Ist es am Rhein so schön?“ GE, Fotoarbeiten, Kunstverein 68elf, Mediapark Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia)
„Materialschlacht“ GE, photographic and video works, Kunstverein Walpodenakademie, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Videoinstallation “less is not more – more is more” GE, Kunstverein Eisenturm, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Long Night oft he Arts, videoinstallation „Geist Heil“ GE, Kunstverein Eisenturm, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Schön ist was anderes“ GE, curator + own works, Künstlerforum, Bonn (North Rhine-Westphalia)
„Vidi et Audivi“ GE, multimedia-art-project, project coordination + own works:
soundinstallation „Machtohnmacht“, videoinstallation „Sehe und Höre“, Ingelheim (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Leere Fülle“ SE, videoinstallations and photographic works, Gallery/Projectroom Kallenbach, Bonn/Bad Godesberg (North Rhine-Westphalia)
„Hellgelb“ GE, photographic works, Gallery/Projectroom Kallenbach, Bonn/Bad Godesberg (North Rhine-Westphalia)
“back to the future” performance + photographic works, Gropius Urban, Koblenz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Videoperformance „ich bin keine jungfrau“, Performance Art Depot (PAD), Long Night of the Museums, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Videoinstallation “Drei Videograzien”, Gallery Dogan, Schoenecken (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Performance “Rheingold” and own works, Art Fair, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Photography of Rhineland-Palatinate“ GE, Kunstverein Speyer (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Art in the Container, videoinstallation „Ophelia“, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Christmas Auction GE, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
„Rückblick-Überblick“ SE, AAV/Fraport, Frankfurt (Hesse)
Performance “back to the future”, public space, Koblenz, Kaiserslautern (Rhineland-Palatinate), Kassel (Hesse)
“Fokus” GE, Foto Art Fair, Koblenz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
“Exhibition of the Artists Association” GE, Gallery of the Artists Association, Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Lotus“ SE, Kulturamt Saarbrücken (Saarland)
„Confluentes“ GE, Museum Ludwig, Koblenz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Performance-Aktion “Nacktes Sein für Pipilotti Rist”, San Stae, Venice (Italy)
Videoinstallation „Ophelia“, Koblenz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Videoperformance „El Paraíso“, Edenkoben (Rhineland-Palatinate)
„Untitled, Kassel 2002“, perfomance participation of the performance-installation of the documenta-artist Tania Bruguera,
„One Million Years“, perfomance participation of the performance-installation of the documenta-artist On Kawara, Kassel
own performance „Reinterpretating Joan Jonas“, documenta XI, Kassel
Art studio and group exhibition with Juan Muñoz, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (Spain